Falls are among the most common causes of serious work-related injuries and deaths among the elderly. Statistics show that approximately one in every three adults over 65 years old fall each year. Almost 30% of these falls result in serious injuries. Nurse Assistants will learn how to identify patients at risk for falls and outline these measures to prevent our patients from falling.
Statement of Purpose:
The purpose of this module is to identify various factors that increase the risks for falls in hospitalized patients and to examine evidence-based interventions that can be implemented to prevent such falls
Behavioral Objectives:
At the conclusion of this module, the learner will:
1. Recognize risk factors for falls in a hospital or facility setting.
2. Identify interventions for all adult patients for fall prevention.
3. Delineate specific interventions for those adult patients who are determined to be at high risk for a fall.
Instructions for taking the course
To complete the course successfully, you must go through all the lessons below. You MUST mark each lesson as complete by clicking the MARK COMPLETE BUTTON. If you do not click the mark complete button, you will not be allowed to proceed to the next lesson. Please notice that all lessons have a minimum set amount of time that you are expected to spend on each lesson. You will not be allowed to Mark the Lesson Complete until the timer resets to zero; that is, until the minimum time set for the course has passed. For example, if lesson A has an allocated minimum time of 10 minutes, you will have to wait 10 minutes before you can mark Lesson A complete. The Mark Complete button for lesson A will be grayed out and will not become active until 10 minutes are over. The Mark Complete button will initially be grayed out and is located at the left bottom of each lesson. The timer is located in the right side of the lesson as shown in this screenshot below.
WARNING: If you forget to click the Mark Complete button done, you will be prompted to go back to that lesson again and have to wait till the allocated timed minutes resets to zero again before the Mark Complete button becomes active. After all lessons are completed and they are Marked Completed, you will then be allowed to take the post-test. If you successfully pass the quiz, you will earn CEUs for this course and you can proceed to print out your certificate.